June 28, 2024

Lucy and Chazz Stepping Down From Team Wales


Lucy and Chazz Stepping Down From Team Wales

After four years of leading Team Wales, Lucy and Chazz have made the decision to step down as Team Manager and Head Coach to pass the team on to the next generation. QUK would like to thank both Lucy and Chazz for all the time, dedication and hard-work they have put into Team Wales and the Welsh Quadball Community. We hope both of you take some well-earned rest!

Lucy and Chazz will be officially stepping down from their roles after the European Games this Summer, which is being hosted in London this year. If you're interested in finding more about the roles you can email us at volunteering@quidditchuk.org and if you're interested in applying, send us your application using the volunteer form below! Check out our "Roles" section under "Volunteer" for role descriptions and to see what other volunteer opportunities are available.

Team Manager - Lucy Nicholls

"Managing Wales for the last 4 1/2 years has been an incredible honour. I'm so proud of everything that the team has achieved since we formed, and it's been such a privilege to have been a part of it. I'm so grateful to QUK for giving me this opportunity, and for the support they, the team and the community have shown me. I'm excited to see what this new era will bring for Quadball Cymru"

Head Coach - Chazz McLeod

"When I was offered this position, I took it on to help the sport grow in Wales; and we had a huge task ahead of us. We kicked off three years ago with just enough people to run 4v2s. Since that rocky start, we've been running training and development weekends with numbers consistently in the double digits. It makes me so proud to see how we've grown this team over the years, and prouder still to see the calibre of player we have representing Wales. They are determined, fierce, and passionate. Whatever odds they face, they persevere and fight. It's been an honour to play my part here, and I know with fresh leadership this team is ready to take it to the next level."

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QUK Staff

By QUK Staff
June 28, 2024

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