Referee 2022 BQC


QuadballUK Referees & Match Officials

Referees are essential for the safe and fair running of a game of quadball. This page hosts all of QuadballUK's base game-official information, as well as resources on becoming a better referee; but if you have any other questions then please contact our Gameplay Department.

A good referee must be focused, able to make decisions under pressure, resolve conflicts, have a working knowledge of the rulebook, and be able to manage and oversee fair and safe running of a quadball match.

QuadballUK Referees are paid nominal amounts that scale with your role, experience, and ability; non-playing referees at official QuadballUK events may have their travel and accommodation expenses supplemented in addition to their payment.

Referee Qualifications

All referee qualifications used in by QuadballUK are registered and standardised by the International Quadball Association (IQA).
In order to gain a written qualification, please visit the IQA referee hub.

You must hold a relevant written IQA qualification before refereeing at an official QuadballUK or Quadball Europe event.

Head Referee

Head Referees oversee and control the entire game from start to finish.

They follow volleyball play, determine goals, issue cards and warnings to fouling players, liaise with team leadership, maintain safety of athletes, and they are the final decision maker regarding rules and play for the match.

Assistant Referee

Assistant Referees oversee and control the dodgeball and off-ball aspects of the game.

They issue beat and safe calls, manage boundary rulings, advise the head referee on incidents, issue warnings to players for foul play, and gauge card-able offences.

Flag Referee

Flag Referees control the flag runner and seeker interaction.

They determine the validity of a catch, ensure safety and fairness, watch dodgeball play against seekers, and gauge legal contact between seekers and flag runners.

QuadballUK Field Testing

UK based referees that hold an IQA written qualification can also apply to be additionally field-tested by a member of the QUK gameplay team at any QUK fixture. Field-tested officials are entitled to increased payment for the matches that they officiate, as per the QUK Match Officials Payment Policy.

Providing Feedback

Have you seen a referee or match official that has done a great job, and want to let us know about it?

Non-Qualified Positions

These positions are also necessary for a smooth-running game of quadball, but do not require earning a qualification beforehand.

Goal Referee

One goal referee stands behind each set of hoops and judges whether or not the quaffle went through the hoop, signalling this to the other referees.


The scorekeeper keeps a written record of the game, including keeping track of the current score and noting down card-able offences.


The timekeeper keeps track of game time - stopping it during brooms-downs - and is responsible for releasing the seekers and applying flag runner handicaps at the appropriate times.

Referee Development Quizzes

These quizzes are designed to help developing referees understand the penalties and procedures relevant to officiating quadball matches in the UK.

Two volunteers sit pitch-side at the Score Table

Quiz 1

Scorekeeping & Timekeeping

Match Official Resources

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