The original pen sketches of the new QuidditchUK website shown in a notebook

August 5, 2020

Welcome to the new QuidditchUK Website


Welcome to our brand new website! After many months of work across all parts of QuidditchUK, we are excited today to launch our new website and platform. Our entire system has been rebuilt from the ground up, using the latest in web technologies to build a site that meets the needs of the quidditch community as well as a resource for people new or interested in the sport. Here's some of the highlights of the new build, what's coming next, and how you can get involved in building QuidditchUK.

Club Profiles

Clubs are at the very heart of QuidditchUK and so creating dedicated, vibrant profiles was always a top priority for our rebuild. Now with a dedicated profile and the ability to search for clubs by location, we hope to showcase your clubs at their best. Future plans like listing past club achievements, nearby clubs, and current season performance will come as we continue to build our events functionality.

Original pen sketch of the new QuidditchUK Club Profiles

Original Sketch by Lucy Nicholls

Screenshot of the new QuidditchUK Club Profiles

The new Club Profiles

Member Dashboard

We've completely revamped our membership experience, with a new dedicated dashboard which can tell you at a glance what type of membership you have and when it expires, and the team you are currently registered with. As we continue to build out this dashboard we'll be looking to include additional features like bringing event registration in-house, referee details, and the ability to request club transfers.

Original pen sketches of the member dashboard
Screenshot of the finished Member Dashboard on the QUK site

Built for Mobile

The entire site has been built to be responsive to different screen sizes, with mobile experience front and center of mind. We've also worked hard to improve our accessibility with larger font sizes and high-contrast colours to improve user experience. We're looking forward to continue improving our accessibility for all types of devices and users.

A screenshot of the old site and the new one in a mobile view side by side

Old site in mobile vs the new

The Road Ahead

As exciting as the new site is there is still a lot to be built to bring QuidditchUK fully in-house. Those who have previously attended QuidditchUK events will know we rely on Google Sheets for all things events - registration, scheduling, and results - all of which we want to bring into the site as we continue to improve our systems.

Extraordinary work has been done behind the scenes by the gameplay and events departments to maintain and build these systems and translating them over will be no mean feat. We also hope in future to allows clubs to manage their affairs in a more robust way through our platform. And there's so many ideas we've not mentioned or even thought of yet.

We know when we work collaboratively with the community we get the best results. To that end we have open sourced the front-end code of this site on GitHub. Anyone can contribute, be it changes, ideas, raising issues, or just have a look at our code. Our back-end needs a little more time to get ready for prime-time OSS, but will also be made available in the future.

Rebuilding QuidditchUK's website has been a long, collaborative project. Members of every single department of QuidditchUK have contributed to the new site in various ways. Special thanks must be made to Lucy Nicholls for her contributions to the design and graphics of the site, Sam Instone for his direction and work on content for the new site, and Matt Bateman for his leadership on this project. We really hope you enjoy the new site and that is a great tool for you.

Declan Ramsay

By Declan Ramsay
August 5, 2020

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