QuidditchUK Executive Management 2021

January 1, 2022

QUK's December 2021 Update


We're trialling this idea to help players get a better understanding of what UK quidditch's national governing body (that's us!) do month-to-month. These are intended to be more formal than our newsletter, serving as a monthly digest of our weekly executive minutes. Like this idea? Hate it? Thoroughly ambivalent? Let us know!

Matt Bateman looks off camera wearing a Referee shirt with with cards in his hand


Much of December was spent working with the international quidditch community, following USQ's announcement that they are seeking to rename the sport before the end of 2022. QUK's have released a statement regarding this issue and will continue to communicate with the community regarding what happens next.

Open Roles: President

Keele players celebrating a win.


The Expansion and Teams departments have now officially merged, meaning there's one dedicated contact for all club related support. Their work this month has included organising of the winter transfer window, running until January 21st.

Open Roles: Director, Assistant Director, Coaching Development Coordinator

Events volunteers in their natual habitat.


Recognising the developing situation with the Omicron COVID variant and changing restrictions in Wales, provisions have been put in place for how EQC spots would be allocated in the event that our planned EQC Qualifier Tournament isn't able to go ahead.

Filled Roles: Assistant Events Director
Open Roles: Events Officer

Eamonn Harrison holds a red card while refereeing a Quidditch match


Quidditch scheduler continues to be updated with new features to improve it ahead of the next fixtures.

Conversations have continued with Gilbert who we're currently working with on a potential equipment venture. Further testing opportunities are expected in the new year.

Open Roles: Assistant Director

Bristol players in a team huddle.


Announcing the transfer window and response to the USQ name have been our main focus.

We're also looking for people to fill several key roles in Media. If you have an interest in comms, publicity, content, or tech, don't hesitate to get in touch!

Open Roles: Assistant Director, Technology Officer, Media Coordinator, Content Creator

Tom Hutton crouched, waiting for brooms up.


We're continuing to work with clubs to get fees for tournaments paid, especially university clubs who are being held up by students' unions.

Following an import tax issue, we're also reviewing our partnership with Utility to assess the impact of Brexit.

Open Roles: Assistant Director

Josh Fogg stands in a come-at-me pose while on pitch and holding a Bludger


Aside from the recruitment mentioned elsewhere in this post, we've been working on our 2021/22 member survey, a guide to trans and non-binary inclusion in the sport, and a new set of human-readable guides to our conduct policy.

Open Roles: EDI Committee, Recruitment Officer

Team UK await a referee decision from the sidelines linked arm in arm

National Teams

The scouting team have continued their great work following the university fixtures. Team England and Team Wales leadership are planning for their trainings in early 2022.

Open Roles: Team England Assistant Manager, Northern Quaffle Scout, National Team Media Coord (one per team)

Josh Fogg

By Josh Fogg
January 1, 2022

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