February 15, 2020
QuidditchUK launches next phase of community consultation for 2020/21 season
CommunityAs QuidditchUK research the best options for the 2020/21 season and beyond, we are continuing our community consultation to help us design a successful season structure. The timeline of these consultations is below, and we hope everyone finds something they can engage with! Each stage of consultation will be launched after there has been sufficient time for the previous stage to be evaluated, and for amendments to be made reflecting the insights from previous consultations.
- First round-table: Tuesday 3rd March
- Second round-table (if demand suffices): To be consulted with attendees
- Survey release: 22nd March
- Public review of round-table comments: 23rd March
- Survey close: 29th March
- Document commentary release: Early April
- Survey results release: Mid-late April
- Decision for 2020/21 announced: May
We are currently looking for participants in the round-table; information about this is provided here and you can sign up through this form!
The minutes from General Forum, the first phase of consultation, can be found here. The document commentary will be a more developed proposal, released with a form allowing all members to send in their comments.
Please note that at every stage of the consultation, the proposed changes are non-binding. We are keen to avoid adjustments which would seriously harm or inconvenience teams of any kind, and all proposals are attempting to balance many competing priorities. These consultations are an opportunity to help to build a functional season structure together, benefitting teams across the country and giving everyone better opportunities for competition.
If, after consultation and review, we find that the current (2019/20) structure is the most appropriate to support the growth and quality of quidditch in the UK, we will strive to deliver a successful 2020/21 season within this format. We welcome your comments, ideas and queries throughout this process, and we are looking forward to working with community members to ensure a successful 2019/20 and 2020/21 season.