March 3, 2020

Molly Maurice-Smith Looks For Successor In Human Resources


It is with great dismay to officially announce that Molly Maurice-Smith, one of the longest running members of QuidditchUK’s current Executive Management Team has stepped down. Molly relinquishes her role as Human Resources Director, who manages all volunteers, playing or non-playing, within the sport. Without volunteers, we wouldn’t be able to maintain well run tournaments as well as keep afloat many different departments of our national governing body.

Molly has had a great run in her two and a half years of being a senior volunteer for us. The memory of her still being part of Reading Rocs (a now retired team) only felt like yesterday! Within her time directing volunteers, she’s saw out the re-branded Reading Knights last season, ending in 2018 and took a casual hiatus whilst playing Bristol Bears before the beginning of 2019. Now, her recent transfer to London Unspeakables in conjunction to her most recent move across the country for work has finally accelerated her quidditch career. Molly was part of the squad who claimed second place at the European Qualifier Tournament and will hopefully be going to Belgium in May to play on the international stage she’s always dreamt of.

Molly had this to say before she retired from her duties:

“I have to thank QuidditchUK, and the volunteers who have given it life and growth, for offering me the opportunity to build my skillset and allowing me to enjoy being a part of this incredible community.”

We’d like to extend our gratitude towards Molly for all her hard work and service to the sport and the community. There’s no question about her being an absolutely influential part in the development of volunteers throughout Media, Operations, Events, Gameplay and all other conglomerate sectors which would not make up QuidditchUK as it’s run today and will be run for the betterment of the future.

As well as our praise, we would like to wish her all the best on her next adventure. On behalf of us and the general community: Thank you, Molly!

We are now advertising for the role of Volunteers Director. This role will be open through our website. Just drop us a cover letter and a CV explaining why you would be suitable for the role!

We’re looking for a successor that will continue the good work that Molly has done countless times from interviews to reviews and advertising job roles on our website. If this seems like something you can get on board with, please don’t fret to apply! If you have any questions about the role or volunteering in general, feel free to or reach the team through our Contact Us form.

Sam Instone

By Sam Instone
March 3, 2020

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