June 24, 2017

Community Project Volunteer Scheme 2017


Want to give something back this summer?

QuidditchUK are proud to announce the launch of their new casual project volunteering scheme.

Feedback from the community over the course of this season has indicated that two major barriers to volunteering are worries about the level of time commitment necessary and people feeling under-qualified to take on roles. In response to these concerns, QuidditchUK have developed the Community Summer Project volunteering scheme that will run over the summer in 2017.

The scheme is designed around a series of small and interesting projects that QuidditchUK would love to be able to carry out but does not currently have the volunteer capacity to take forward. Instead of letting these projects go undone, we are advertising them to the community in the hope that enthusiastic volunteers who would otherwise feel under-qualified or that they don’t have the time to contribute, step forward and take these projects on.

Interested volunteers will be able to sign up to be responsible for a single, specific project for to undertake for QuidditchUK over the summer months. Some projects will be for individual volunteers, while for others you will be working as part of a team. As the scheme runs during the summer and consists of finite project-based volunteering, we hope to give students with lots of term time commitments and those who are unable to commit to helping long-term the opportunity to get involved. These projects also present a fantastic opportunity for people who have never been involved with QuidditchUK before to gain experience in volunteering and develop an insight into how the organisation operates.

The summer projects for the Community Summer Project volunteering scheme can be found listed below:


2-4 volunteers.

This role is an exciting opportunity to give back to the community by rewarding them for the good work they have achieved over the past season. We are looking for volunteers to look at the following:

-Referee and Snitch of the Year Awards- This role will involve using the pre-existing framework created by Dave Goddin and to implement it.

-Community Service Award for Clubs

We want to reward our clubs for the amount of volunteering they do at our events. We need a volunteer to data crunch our volunteering data, and work with us to find the best reward to give the team who wins.


We have Wikipedia pages but these are hideously out of date. We are looking for one volunteer to update our Wikipedia pages to be accurate of the current state of our organisation.


QuidditchUK are currently having their website redesigned. For this, we need at least one volunteer to write the content for the pages. This will include everything from useful links to start up teams, Team UK information, and historical information.


1-2 volunteers

We want to know what our community thinks. During the research for the Strategic Plan, highly successful focus groups were carried out. We would like at least one volunteer to run some more of these on our behalf, to collate this data before analysing the data and sharing with the Executive. This will include topics such as rules changes, growth in the sport and the focuses of QuidditchUK.


1-2 Volunteers

Interested in finding out more about our community, and how teams are ran? Working alongside our secretary, Ayaan Ahmed, we are looking for volunteers to convert questions into a google form, distribute this and help analyse the results. This information will be used by the organisation to help us support our teams- not only new clubs but also those that are well-established.


2-4 Volunteers

We want to support the development of the national team by collecting, collating and analysing as much statistical information as possible about Team UK’s performance at European Games this summer. We are looking for some volunteers (ideally attending European Games) to assist Rix Dishington and the Outreach and Development Department in compiling a bank of statistical information that Team UK players and coaches can use to inform the creation of tailored tactics and training plans and ensure that Team UK competes at the highest possible level.

Interested volunteers can sign up by emailing president@quidditchuk.org with the project they are volunteering for in the email subject. Similarly the community can contact president@quidditchuk.org if they would like to suggest a project of their own. As always, your ideas are welcome.

All summer projects are expected to have concluded by the end of August, well in advance of the start of the new season, and new academic year for students.

QUK Staff

By QUK Staff
June 24, 2017

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